Monday, 1 February 2010

Day 27: Mess Effect

Oh god it is late and I have to go to work again tomorrow. This is not ideal, because over the past two days I have also taken up a new full time job as a space captain. In the past 2 days, I've done two shifts in my new position, clocking in eighteen hours - in what feels like a few moments.

It is now time for me to publish my first genuine cop-out #oneaday, and go to bed. But I don't want to go to bed, or go to work, or talk to anyone ever again. I just want to be a space captain. In space.

Oh god Bioware. What have you done to me?

1 comment:

  1. Ah don't stress it. So far Mass Effect's turned me into a tantruming child. Day three, Angus has decided to take another day off work because of his cold, which means I STILL HAVEN'T HAD A TURN AT BEING A SPACE CAPTAIN!

    Ahem... I'm okay.

    Can't imagine a single person playing (ORWAITINGTOPLAYDAMMIT... sorry, really okay) begrudges you the cop-out post!


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