Friday, 29 January 2010

Day 25: Coke o' Poppers

I can't stop looking at this advert. There's nothing remarkable about it in the slightest - in fact, upon closer inspection the only real emotion I can attach to it is that i've taken a mild disliking to the art style they've used on his hat - an extremely unremarkable opinion in itself.

But it's not the design that's found me fixated by this poster - which seems to haunt the same bus stops as I do - as what really grips me, is the message. There's just something ever so slightly off about the wording, and - being a strange and anal chap - it keeps catching my attention:

"Ever thought of Coco Pops after school?"
There are of course, multiple interpretations of this:

Perhaps it's a recruitment drive, looking to find the bright young minds of tomorrow to enter the booming breakfast industry. Maybe I missed the fine print at the bottom, which reads: 'Competitive 20k+ starting salaralies with industry comparable first year bonus opportunities including the possibility to make the milk go chocolatey.'

Alternatively, maybe it's a stark reminder to children of their own mortality - sharply pointing out their fast-fading youth. Have you thought when you grow up? Guzzle those Coco Pops down now, but seriously - it's time to think about your future. You can't spend your whole life just eating novelty chocolate rice based cereals, you know -It'll be muesli and brown toast soon. But of course, you're far too wrapped up in a schooldayz haze of breakfast hedonism to take the time to think about your own future. It's time to grow up, son.

Or maybe it's tapping into that soft-drug-dealer mentality, the older kid hiding round the corner from the teachers to offer you illicit funtimes: "Psst. Kid. Yeah you - you want some Coco Pops? Just after school, yeah - Don't tell yer mam." You know it's wrong, and that's why you wouldn't ask your mum if you could, she'd quite rightly tell you no: You'll spoil your tea for fucks sake*

So seriously kids, it's not worth it. Sure, we've all thought about Coco Pops after school once or twice - but just say no: You'll spoil your tea.

*Actual comment from mother may vary

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