I listen to music all the time of course, but so much of the time I'm never really listening. I pump sound into my ears to wake me up in the morning, and keep me awake on the bus. Upbeat noise can help me nail through a tricky document at work. It's really convenient to pair up listening to music with other stuff, usually letting the other activity get more than it's fair share of the attention. But when you're able to take the time to envelop yourself in music, locking your mind away from the relentless white noise of reality - music can become utterly magic. I learnt this when I was about 18, when making the regular trip to my first girlfriend's house, a journey which was slightly shorter than The Mars Volta's first album - resulting in me hiding round the corner of her driveway until the most important part of the journey had come to it's conclusion.
Just over two years ago I was saving up money to move to London, working as a cleaner in the Tatton Park restaurant. Spending hours every night with only a mop for company, less than a handful of people were scattered within a mile radius of where I was.
It was this summer that I discovered Jarvis Cocker; spending hours alone in the middle of nowhere, my only company the utterly enchanting voice that whispered stories to me throughout the night. The most important of these to me will always be a song called The Wicker Man, a beautifully simple story that really only comes to life when given your undivided attention.
Brilliantly, Jarvis has just been given a two hour weekly show on 6 Music - his predisposition for narrative based songs the perfect compliment to a good cup of tea, and a grand addition to my Sunday manifesto.
I promise I will not tidy my room, or think about Monday. I will spend a substantial amount of time looking out of the window, and properly listen to the lyrics of 'The Gift' by The Velvet Underground.
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